Effect of two parallel intruders on net work during granular penetrations
Pravin, S., Chang, B., Han, E., London, L., Goldman, D.I., Jaeger, H., & Hsieh, S.T.
(Under review) ArXiV
How multilayered feathers enhance underwater superhydrophobicity
Ahmadi, S.F., Umashankar, V., Dean, Z., Chang, B., Jung, S., & Boreyko, J.B.
(Under Review)
Assessment and mitigation of O2 therapy driven spread of COVID-19
Kudrolli, A., Chang, B., Consalvi, J., Deti, A., Frechette, C., Scoville, H., Sheinfeld, G.R., McGee, W.T.
(Submitted) medRxiv
Force response of granular materials due to angled intrusions and angled substrates
Chang, B., Greenwood, A., Mantilla, C., & Hsieh, S.T.
(In Prep)
9. Aerial mucosalivary droplet dispersal distributions with implications for disease mitigation
Chang, B., Sharma, R., Huyhn, T., & Kudrolli, A.
Physical Review Research, 2 (4), 04339. (2020) Link
8. How localized force spreads on elastic contour feathers
Bhar, K*., Chang, B.*, Virot, E.*, Straker, L., Kang, H., Paris, R., Clanet, C., & Jung, S.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(160), 20190267. (2019) Link
7. A Two-Step Combustion Model of Iso-Octane for 3D CFD Combustion Simulation in SI Engines
Su, X., Chang, B., Ge, H., and Zhong, L.
SAE Technical Paper, 2019-01-0201. (2019) Link
6. Jumping Dynamics of Aquatic Animals
Chang, B., Myeong, J., Virot, E., Clanet, C., Kim, H.-Y., & Jung, S.
Journal of the Royal Society Interfaces, 16: 20190014. (2019) Link
5. Nonlinear modelling and experimental verification of Gannet-inspired beam systems during diving
Zimmerman, S., Ceballes, S, Taylor, G., Chang, B., Jung, S., & Abdelkefi, A.
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics (2019) Link
4. Cavity ripple dynamics after pinch-off
Louf, J., Chang, B., Eshraghi, J., Mituniewicz, A., Vlachos, P., & Jung, S.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 850, 611-623 (2018) Link
3. How seabirds plunge-dive without injuries
Chang, B., Croson, M., Straker, L., Gart, S., Dove, C., Gerwin, J., & Jung, S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (43) 12006-12011 (2016) Link
2. Dynamics of squeezing fluids: Clapping wet hands
Gart, S., Chang, B., Slama, B., Goodnight, R., Um, S. H., & Jung, S.
Physical Review E, 88(2), 023007. (2013) Link
1. Drop formation from a wettable nozzle
Chang, B., Nave, G., & Jung, S.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2012) Link